IN MEMORIAM: Ad van Haandel
No words for it. We are incredibly proud of Ad. Founder of our beautiful company, husband of Gise and father of Dennis, Chantal and Robin.
Our story starts in 1984, when Ad van Haandel founds ‘LGP service Boekel’. Besides rebuilding cars for gas-usage, small conventional turning and milling activities were done to create some parts ourselves. After the move from the garage at Ad’s parental address to a new location in Boekel, the LGP work was slowly completely taken over by the turning and milling work.
In 1990 the company was renamed to ‘Van Haandel Metaalbewerkingsbedrijf’ and a few years later shortened to ‘Van Haandel Metaal,’ as it still is today. In 1995 a next building plan was carried out in the form of a complete new and much bigger factory in the ‘backyard’ of the old one. At the same time a switch from conventional to cnc controlled machines took place. In 2002 an extra hall was built, which led to a festive open house. In 2004 the logo was renewed in honour of the 20th anniversary.
We had outgrown our factory walls for quite some time when we had the opportunity to expand our business site by the upcoming industrial area De Vlonder. A bulk of land was bought, which led to our address change to De Vlonder 211B.
We also gotten a strongly improved accessibility trough the construction of a new road. A huge growth period started with an extra hall in 2012, another in 2015 and again another hall in 2017. In the meantime, our 30th anniversary was celebrated with an open house, picture-book for our employees, special bottle opener as small business present and a big party in a large tent in our new business yard.
By now, we’ve also already celebrated our 35th anniversary in 2019, where Ad passed on the CEO position to his son Dennis. Two years later, from January the 1st 2021, we are an official Family business, as Ad’s son Dennis and daughters Chantal and Robin became co-owners. We’re looking forward to the future!
As a company we feel strongly connected with our village Boekel. It started here and we’ve gotten the possibilities to grow here. Besides that, many of our employees are living here. So we think it’s important to also give something back to the local society. Therefore we support various initiatives and sportclubs in Boekel.
No words for it. We are incredibly proud of Ad. Founder of our beautiful company, husband of Gise and father of Dennis, Chantal and Robin.
In the fall of 2021 our old, rock solid desks in our offices were replaced with new, fresh sit-stand desks. An active posture makes our allergy to offices a little bit less. In the spring of 2022 our lockerspace had a little update. The gray rocksolid lockers were replaced with a popping blue, not only a more cheerful hue, but also more practical with a larger amount of medium-sized lockers and matching benches.
In 2021 is besloten om ons logo geleidelijk aan te vervangen met een nieuwe. Een erg subtiele verandering, waarbij het lichtblauwe is vervangen met een donkerder blauw. Dit begon met de nieuwe papieren plakbandrollen, die voorzien werden met het chiquere donkerblauw met rood. Daarna werd de nieuwe bestelbus onderhanden genomen met een volledige wrap, waarbij het nieuwe blauw eruit springt. In het voorjaar van 2022 werd het spandoek aan de buitenzijde van de hal vervangen met het nieuwe design en tijdens de schilderwerken in de zomer van 2022 is ook het logo op de voorgevel van ons pand aangepast met de nieuwe kleur!
After Ad passed on the CEO position in 2019 to his son Dennis, it went one step futher on the 1st of January 2021. Ad’s son Dennis and daughters Chantal and Robin van Haandel became co-owners. Ad used this occasion to go and enjoy his retirement. It already felt like it for many years, but now we are officially a real family business!
After 6 years it was time to completely renew our website again. The showpiece of the website, our 100+ product examples, was taken over, but with a new look and filtering. We’ve also added more visual images and completely renewed texts and pages. It reinforces our reformulated mission: Unburden our customers for the turning and milling work they want to outsource, whereby we can offer our employees challenging work and a nice workplace.
With every fiber of his being, Marcel was extremely driven and proud of his work. He started working with us in his early twenties. He took care of everything down to the last detail; first as cnc turner and then as head of technical service. Our beloved colleage for 30 years, but that’s still too short. When he knew that a final farewell was insurmountable, he did everything in his power to leave us well-cared. You were always there for us. We are very grateful and proud of you.
Related to the worldwide pandemic in 2020, a working mask was engineered. Manually and with a burner a first prototype was made by Ad and Robin van Haandel. After that a complete production process of milling a mold, using the mold in a vacuum cabinet to create the mask’s shape, milling to isolate the shape from a plate, gluing steel wire, laser marking rubber caps and adding a cord to the mask; the working mask was born. For this the temporary website www.werkmasker.nl was brought to life.
The 35th anniversary was celebrated with a drink. The occasion was also used to announce Dennis van Haandel as new CEO, following his fathers footsteps.
Just like 24 years ago, when VHM was born out of the hobby that got out of hand from Ad, it seems like another hobby that got out of hand is leading to something nice. This time initiated by Dennis, as huge Land Rover Defender enthusiastic. As a first product of FerroForcia, side-door hinges were created.
Meanwhile already the 4th big expansion of our building since 1995.This time a hall of 530m2 has been added, which created a U-shaped complex. The construction started in the winter of 2016, now in April 2017, the first machines in this hall are already producing.
The round-up of the new hall in 2017 coincided with a Boekel’s event: TechTown Boekel. During this event the new hall was immediately used for a nice exhibition to interest the youth for technique.
The central part of the current building has been build in 1995. In 2003, a first large hall has been added. In 2012 a second one. Now in 2015, a third hall of 500m2 has been added.
New website for Van Haandel Metaal! The site has been given a whole new fresh look, with a part about our organisation ‘Who are we?’ (including About us, Our team, Vision, History and Socially involved), and a company profile ‘What we do’ (including turning and milling, quality control, finishing processes and assembly and packaging). Various news messages and our leaflet can be found on our homepage. The comprehensive product example are still prominently present. Special thanks to Raymond van der Cammen en Tom Hoevenaars.
To facilitate future expansion, another piece of land (1400m2) was purchased.
In collaboration with VHM, a proto engine block for the karting was developed and manufactured.
The 30th anniversary was grandly celebrated by an open-house day and a concluding party for the employees, family and friends. A small Van Haandel Metaal present was designed; a bottle opener in the shape of a piston with connecting rod. In addition, a book was created with all relevant information, stories and nice pictures of the past 30 years of Van Haandel Metaal.
A second extensive expansion of the building followed this year. The saw- and package department were placed there. Due to the new road that was constructed on the industrial plot, we now have a good accessibility and our address changed to De Vlonder 211B.
The industrial plot De Vlonder is expanding for years and recently land became available surrounding Van Haandel Metaal. For long, Van Haandel Metaal searched for expansion options and now was able to purchase 3700m2 land.
A new milestone for Van Haandel Metaal celebrating it’s 25th anniversary! A short trip to Barcelona with all employees was organized as special celebration.
In collaboration with VHM, a new project was started to design, develop and produce billet pistons.
The 20th anniversary of Van Haandel Metaal was enthusiastically celebrated among the staff. The logo of Van Haandel Metaal was adjusted one last time to the one we still use today. The goal was a tight logo with a nice appearance.
An open house day was organized for family and friends to show and familiarize them with the work Van Haandel Metaal does. There was a great interest.
An expansion of the building was completed in 2002. More space was needed for new machines, packaging and storage.
The vision to produce 24/7 while working in day shift was implemented. Automation was also increasingly implemented and material loading is handled by robot arms.
In 2001 a first multitask machine was purchased, internally named P1, a Muratec MT12. This machine was used for production in our factory until 2020! This machine completely matched our new 24/7 vision.
In addition to turning and milling activities, the company also paid attention to projects such as the development of race carburettors and such. These activities were eventually accommodated in a separate business; VHM. VHM stands for Van Haandel Motorparts. For more info see www.vhm.nl
It was necessary to construct a bigger building for further growth. More office space as well as more workroom and parking was needed. Furthermore, a shift took place from working with conventional machines to CNC controlled machines.
The logo and name of the company where adjusted again to Van Haandel Metaal.
The staff has grown steadily to 6 fulltime employees. We are proud that 4 of them are still working at our company today.
From this moment on, the company will work under the name Van Haandel Metaalbewerkingsbedrijf. In addition, a new logo was designed, which eventually was the proven starter for the logo as we know it now.
Especially turning and milling attracted more and more work. The company therefore moved to a new building at the Tuinstraat in Boekel. The activities were increasingly focused on turning and milling and eventually the LPG activities were sold.
LGP service Boekel was founded by Ad van Haandel, as a wholesale in demolition parts. The company was initially established in the garage of Harrie en Dora, parents of founder Ad. Besides converting cars for LPG utilization, activities with conventional lathes and milling machines arose quickly.